Terms & Conditions


The Terms and Conditions set out below are designed to clarify our responsibilities and your rights, and refer to products and services booked through this website. They do not affect your statutory rights.

This legal notice is governed by and construed in accordance with English law.


Please familiarise yourself with all of our terms and conditions before booking a place on our workshops. When a booking is completed, attendees are deemed to have read and accepted these Terms & Conditions. Our perfumery and cosmetics workshops are for adults over the age of 18 years only.


  1. We reserve the right to cancel or move a class or workshop to a different date due to unforeseen circumstances including illness. We cannot be held liable for any costs incurred by you should we have to cancel a workshop for any reason.

  2. Where a workshop is cancelled, by ourselves or by a guest course provider, we will contact you as soon as possible, and where we are able to, offer you alternative dates.

  3. We regret that we cannot offer refunds or date transfers on any of our workshops should you cancel after we have received your booking.  If you are booked on a workshop and do not turn up on the day then no refund or transfer will be given.

  4. You may, however, transfer your place on a workshop to another person at any point before the course starts, but please will you notify us of the name of the person who will be coming. For the avoidance of doubt, a replacement attendee will be deemed by us as being familiar with and having accepted these Terms & Conditions.

  5. The content of workshops may be subject to change without notice.


  1. The copyright and other intellectual property rights of all material on the website, including photographs and images are owned by LVM Consulting Ltd trading as Orosmo Perfumery.
    Links to third party websites from this website are provided solely for your interest and access to any third party website is entirely at your own risk.

  2. LVM Consulting Ltd does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage that may result to you or a third party in connection with the website. This includes but is not limited to loss or damage due to viruses that may infect your computer equipment, software, data or other property.


  1. We take the health & safety of our workshop participants very seriously and will make available to you information and protective equipment where a workshop may involve handling of hazardous materials.

  2. Natural essential oils, absolutes & synthetic materials should never be applied directly to the skin. If you are in any doubt about your own sensitivity to a perfume, carry out a patch test using a dilution of material. You can do this by putting just a little of the final diluted mixture on the skin of your inner arm. If there is no reaction within 24hours it should be safe to use more widely.  If you think you may have an allergy, you could wear protective gloves when handling perfume materials. Never apply essential oils or other perfume materials to broken skin or if you already have a rash.

  3.  If you are pregnant, you should seek medical advice before attending a workshop and working with perfume materials.

  4.  The materials used in this workshop are for educational purposes and the final resulting perfume mixtures may not comply with normal EU Regulatory limits.


  1. LVM Consulting Ltd trading as Orosmo Perfumery cannot accept any liability for accidents or allergic reactions that may occur during or after our workshops.  Workshop delegates attend all workshop sessions entirely at their own risk.

  2. By booking a workshop the customer agrees to take full personal responsibility for any accident/industry that may be sustained whilst attending the workshop, waiving liability from LVM Consulting and its directors & staff & indemnifying LVM Consulting against any and all costs that may result from legal action following any accident or injury sustained whilst attending a workshop. Acceptance of the training by the attendee indicates acceptance of the above terms & conditions.


  1. A contract is formed between us at the point in time when we notify you by e-mail that your order has been accepted. Your order will not be accepted until we receive authorisation of your credit card payment, your PayPal payment is received, or your cheque has been cleared. We will not accept orders from you if you are under the age of 18 years. You may not cancel or vary your order once it has been accepted.

  2. The price of the ordered goods shall be the Sterling price as set out in the on-line order form and includes postage, packing and value added tax (if applicable) for the delivery country you have chosen. All payments must be in pounds Sterling.

  3. The ordered goods will be delivered to the address entered by you on the on-line order form. Goods will normally be despatched within quoted guidelines. However, we shall not be liable for any delay in delivery. If we are not able to despatch any ordered goods within the quoted guidelines, we shall promptly notify you and suggest a revised despatch date and if this is not acceptable to you, we shall refund in full your payment in respect of such goods. For the avoidance of doubt other goods ordered by you will be despatched in the normal way.

  4. Risk of damage to, or loss of, ordered goods shall pass to you at the time of delivery.

  5. You are responsible for ensuring that the goods will be used in the correct manner.

  6. We warrant that, at the time of delivery, the ordered goods will, subject as hereinafter provided, correspond with the description on this website, will be free from defects in materials and workmanship and will be of satisfactory quality (within the meaning of the Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994). There may, however, be minor variations between the goods as shown or described on our website and those despatched to you (but so that the goods despatched will always be of a comparable or superior quality) in which case you shall be entitled to reject such goods and receive a full refund. Where goods ordered are not available we will notify you by e-mail that your order has not been accepted for that reason and your credit card will not be debited.

  7. Any claim by you that any ordered goods fail to correspond with the description on this website or that they are defective or not of satisfactory quality, must be notified to us by e-mail or letter within a reasonable time from the date of delivery. If delivery is not refused, or you do not notify us accordingly, we shall have no liability for such failure or defect unless the goods were not of satisfactory quality at the time of delivery.

  8. If you make a valid claim under paragraph 6, we shall replace the goods in question free of charge or, at your option, refund in full your payment in respect of such goods. Such replacement or refund is conditional upon the goods in question having been returned to us unused and undamaged within a reasonable time.

  9. Except in the case of death or personal injury caused by our negligence, our liability to you by reason of any representation or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law or under these terms, for any special, indirect or consequential damage is hereby limited and excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

  10. Our returns policy is as follows. If you are not entirely satisfied with any ordered goods, we will refund your payment for such goods subject to (a) you despatching such goods back to us, at your cost and with proof of posting, within 30 days of delivery to you and (b) our receiving the goods back unused and in undamaged condition. Risk of damage to, or loss of, such goods shall pass to us at the time of delivery to us.

  11. You agree not to offer ordered goods for resale either within or outside the United Kingdom and you shall indemnify us in full for all losses, damages, costs and expenses which we may suffer or incur if you breach this term.

  12. Any communication between us shall be by e-mail or first class post to our current e-mail or postal address (as given on this website at the time of such communication) or the e-mail or postal address given in your order form (or any new e-mail or postal address which you may have notified to us).

  13. We reserve the right to vary these terms at any time but, in respect of any ordered goods, the terms which apply shall be those which you accepted when you placed your order.

  14. If any provision of these terms is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of these terms and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected thereby.

  15. The contract formed by our acceptance of your order shall be governed by the laws of England and we and you both submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.